ASO Keyword Research Comprehensive Strategies Tools, and Trends 2023

Mastering ASO Keyword Research: Comprehensive Strategies, Tools, and Trends for 2023

Unlike traditional SEO, which focuses on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo, ASO zeroes in on app stores. These platforms have their own unique algorithms and ranking factors. The primary objective of ASO is not just to drive traffic but to convert that traffic into actual app downloads. This subtle yet significant difference makes keyword research in ASO a distinct ballgame.

Why Keyword Research is Pivotal in ASO

Keywords in ASO are the terms and phrases that potential users type into the app store’s search bar. By optimizing your app listing with the right keywords, you increase the chances of your app being discovered. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  • User Behavior: Statistics indicate that a substantial portion of app downloads are a direct result of search queries within app stores. This makes the search function the primary method users employ to discover new apps.
  • Competition: With millions of apps vying for attention, the app store landscape is fiercely competitive. Proper keyword research allows you to stand out and reach your target audience effectively.
  • Organic Growth: Paid advertisements can drive downloads, but organic searches often lead to higher quality users who are more likely to engage with the app long-term.

Diving Deeper into ASO Keyword Research

  • Brainstorming: Begin by understanding your app’s core functionality, features, and benefits. What problems does it solve? How might users describe it? This initial brainstorming phase lays the groundwork for your keyword list.
  • Competitor Analysis: Investigate the keywords your competitors are targeting. Tools like App Radar and AppTweak can provide insights into competitor keyword strategies, revealing potential gaps you can exploit.
  • User Feedback: User reviews and feedback are goldmines for keyword research. They offer genuine insights into how users perceive and describe your app.
  • Trending Keywords: Stay updated with trending terms and phrases. What’s popular today might not be tomorrow, so regular updates to your keyword strategy are essential.
  • Localization: If your app caters to multiple regions, it’s vital to localize your keywords. Different cultures and languages might use varying terms to describe the same feature.

2. Know Your App and Industry Terminology

Before diving into keyword research, it’s essential to understand your app and the industry’s terminology. Ask yourself:

  • How do consumers refer to your brand?
  • What tasks do your potential users need help with?
  • What are the main features of your app?
  • What benefits does it provide to your users?

For instance, consider Airbnb. A quick online search reveals keywords like “vacation,” “rentals,” “homes,” “experiences,” and “trips.”

3. The Power of Clustering

Clustering involves categorizing keywords based on similarity or search intent. It aids in better tracking of search terms and comparing the performance of different clusters in terms of visibility and traffic.

4. Utilize Proprietary Data

Platforms like Google Play Console and Apple Search Ads offer insights into keywords driving users to your app store listings. Analyze search term visitors, ratios, and classify them to identify highly-qualified traffic.

5. Market and Competitor Data: Your Goldmine

Rely heavily on auto-suggestions, especially from app stores. Tools like AppTweak can provide suggestions based on current market trends. Additionally, competitor analysis can identify gaps in your keyword strategy and areas for improvement.

6. Tools of the Trade

Several tools can aid in ASO keyword research. Platforms like App Radar offer features for better keyword research, understanding keyword rankings, and their effect on downloads. Regularly using these tools can provide a competitive edge.

7.In the realm of ASO, it’s tempting to gravitate towards popular, single keywords that seem to dominate search queries. However, the real magic often lies in long-tail or combination keywords. These are phrases that, while perhaps having lower search volumes, can be incredibly potent. Why?

  • Precision: Long-tail keywords are often more specific, catering to a user’s exact need or query. This precision can lead to higher conversion rates as users find exactly what they’re looking for.
  • Reduced Competition: Popular keywords can be highly competitive, making it challenging to rank high. In contrast, long-tail keywords, being more niche, often face less competition, offering an opportunity to stand out.
  • Better User Targeting: These keywords often align more closely with a user’s intent, ensuring that your app reaches the most relevant audience.

The Imperative of Regular Updates

ASO is not a one-time task. With the digital landscape in constant flux, what works today might be obsolete tomorrow. Regularly updating your keywords is paramount for several reasons:

  • Evolving User Behavior: As trends shift and new terminologies emerge, users’ search behaviors evolve. Regular updates ensure you stay in sync with these changes.
  • Staying Ahead of Competitors: Regular updates allow you to capitalize on new opportunities and stay ahead of competitors who might be targeting similar keywords.
  • Adapting to Algorithm Changes: App stores continually refine their algorithms. Regularly updating your keyword strategy ensures you remain compliant and optimized for these changes.

Localization: The Global ASO Strategy

If your app targets a global audience, localization is not just beneficial—it’s essential. Here’s why:

  • Cultural Relevance: Different cultures have unique ways of expressing the same idea. Localizing keywords ensures your app resonates with each specific audience.
  • Increased Visibility: By localizing keywords, you tap into regional search queries, significantly expanding your app’s visibility.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: A user is more likely to download an app that speaks their language, both literally and figuratively. Localization enhances user trust and boosts conversion rates.

8. The Future: ASO Trends to Watch

With evolving algorithms and user behaviors, staying updated with the latest trends in ASO is crucial. Voice search optimization, AI-driven keyword suggestions, and increased focus on user reviews are some trends to watch.


Mastering keyword research in ASO is both an art and a science. With the right strategies, tools, and a keen eye on trends, you can ensure your app stands out in the crowded app store landscape.

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